Maps, Directions & Locations
📍 Hospitals: Park Lane Hospital & Pak International Hospital, Karachi
📍 Get real-time directions to ensure a hassle-free visit.
Book an Appointment
🕒 Available Monday – Saturday (9 AM – 8 PM)
📞 Call Now: +92 021-111-111-111

Expert Surgical Care
Dr. Syed Asif Ali specializes in bariatric, abdominal, and minimally invasive surgery, ensuring advanced care and faster recovery.
- Minimally Invasive Procedures for Faster Recovery
- Weight-Loss Surgery & Gastrointestinal Treatments
- Comprehensive Post-Surgical Support & Care
Comprehensive General
& Bariatric Surgical Services
Advanced Laparoscopic & General Surgery
Minimally invasive techniques for quicker recovery and minimal scarring.
- Gallbladder, Hernia & Appendix Removal
- Ovarian Cyst & Colon Cancer Surgery
- Hydatid Cyst & Thyroid Procedures
- Skin Mass, Lipoma & Cyst Removal
Bariatric & Weight-Loss Surgery
- Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Gastric Bypass
- Tummy Tuck
Laser & Proctology Care
- Laser Hemorrhoidectomy
- Fissure & Fistula Surgery
- Abscess Drainage
Diagnostic & Specialized Laparoscopic Procedures
Accurate diagnosis & advanced surgical interventions.
- Diagnostic Laparoscopy – Abdominal Pain & Tumors
- Hydatid Cyst Surgery – Liver & Lung Removal
- Advanced Endoscopic & GI Surgery

Susan Croft
Philadelphia, PA

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